Learning Ansible with CentOS 7 Linux

Brad Simonin
22 min readJun 4, 2018

For those learning Ansible this is a quick document on how to install, setup, and use Ansible for Linux Automation and Configuration Management. In this document you will learn the basics of an Ansible Playbook and learn how to automate such things as systemd unit files, cron files, executing external scripts from an Ansible Playbook, install software, open firewalld ports, add and remove Linux users, configure Linux logical volumes, and much more.

Ansible is similar to Chef and Puppet yet Ansible works without an agent running on the Linux client. Using ssh and sudo access Ansible connects and manages Linux clients from an Ansible server.

To learn Ansible automation with this document have a CentOS 7 server created as the Ansible automation server and CentOS 7 servers created as the Ansible clients. You can do this with your favorite virtualization tool such as KVM, Virtual Box, VMWare, or whatever.

You could have the Ansible server named as ansibleserver and the Ansible clients named as ansibleclient1, ansibleclient2,….ansibleclientN.

On the Ansible server install EPEL by executing as root:

yum install https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm

With the new Ansible 2.8 version EPEL no longer has the latest Ansible version. To install Ansible we need to install Python’s pip; execute as root:

yum install python2-pip

Then execute:

pip install ansible --upgrade

This will install the new Ansible version 2.8 or greater and will install Ansible from https://ansible.com/.

On the Ansible CentOS 7 server create a login named lnxcfg. The lnxcfg login will be used for Ansible Playbook execution which will manipulate, modify, and configure Ansible client servers. On the Ansible server you could create a lnxcfg userid like this:

groupadd -g 2002 lnxcfg
useradd -u 2002 -g 2002 -c "Ansible Automation Account" -s /bin/bash -m -d /home/lnxcfg lnxcfg

Ansible’s configuration file is located in /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg. To override and customize Ansible we can create a local ansible.cfg configuration file located in the root directory of the lnxcfg user. Create a flat file in the root directory of lnxcfg named ansible.cfg and add the following to the file:


inventory = /home/lnxcfg/inventory
host_key_checking = False

The inventory line of inventory = /home/lnxcfg/inventory will allow us to define the Ansible client system inventory in the local lnxcfg home directory.

The host_key_checking = False will stop Ansible from prompting to add a client server to the ssh known_hosts when an Ansible playbook is executed.

On the Ansible server as the lnxcfg login create a flat file named inventory which will house the Ansible client inventory names. For example a /home/lnxcfg/inventory file could look like this:


On the Ansible server as the lnxcfg login create the following directory structure:


To do this execute as lnxcfg login:

mkdir -p {playbooks,scripts,templates}

Ansible uses ssh to login to all of its inventory clients. Using ssh-keys, sudo access, and the lnxcfg login id you will allow Ansible to execute on the Ansible client systems. The Ansible Playbooks will be able to configure, maintain, manipulate, and manage the CentOS 7 client Linux servers. As the lnxcfg user create an ssh-key that will be used by Ansible to ssh into its clients. Execute:


press <enter> at all the default prompts.

The next step is to create the lnxcfg login on all Ansible client systems. You will need the Ansible server’s lnxcfg user’s .ssh/id_rsa.pub string for this purpose.

You could do this through a Linux Kickstart file for the Ansible client systems or the below Bash script named setup-lnxcfg-user could help with this process. The script creates the lnxcfg login id, sets up ssh-keys, and sudo access on the Ansible client systems.

Provide your own lnxcfg login password for the clients and the lnxcfg .ssh/id_rsa.pub string you created earlier in the script below. Don’t forget to chmod 755 the setup-lnxcfg-user bash script prior to executing.

# setup-lnxcfg-user
# create lnxcfg user for Ansible automation
# and configuration management
# create lnxcfg user
getentUser=$(/usr/bin/getent passwd lnxcfg)
if [ -z "$getentUser" ]
echo "User lnxcfg does not exist. Will Add..."
/usr/sbin/groupadd -g 2002 lnxcfg
/usr/sbin/useradd -u 2002 -g 2002 -c "Ansible Automation Account" -s /bin/bash -m -d /home/lnxcfg lnxcfg
echo "lnxcfg:<PUT IN YOUR OWN lnxcfg PASSWORD>" | /usr/sbin/chpasswdmkdir -p /home/lnxcfg/.sshfi# setup ssh authorization keys for Ansible access
echo "setting up ssh authorization keys..."
cat << 'EOF' >> /home/lnxcfg/.ssh/authorized_keys
<PUT IN YOUR OWN .ssh/id_rsa.pub SSH RSA KEY>
chown -R lnxcfg:lnxcfg /home/lnxcfg/.ssh
chmod 700 /home/lnxcfg/.ssh
# setup sudo access for Ansible
if [ ! -s /etc/sudoers.d/lnxcfg ]
echo "User lnxcfg sudoers does not exist. Will Add..."
cat << 'EOF' > /etc/sudoers.d/lnxcfg
User_Alias ANSIBLE_AUTOMATION = lnxcfg
chmod 400 /etc/sudoers.d/lnxcfg
# disable login for lnxcfg except through
# ssh keys
cat << 'EOF' >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Match User lnxcfg
PasswordAuthentication no
AuthenticationMethods publickey
EOF# restart sshd
systemctl restart sshd
# end of script

Notice the script disables ssh logins for the lnxcfg user on an Ansible client except through ssh-keys. This is a good idea, for security reasons, as the lnxcfg user has sudo no password privileges, which is useful to successfully execute Ansible automation without human interaction against a client. However, if you want or need to use sudo you can use the ansible-playbook argument ansible_sudo_pass when executing Ansible; make sure you remove the NOPASSWD in the sudo snippet above. Passing arguments such as ansible_sudo_pass when executing Ansible Playbooks is discussed further down in this document. The Ansible Playbooks described in this document will assume you are using the NOPASSWD in the sudo snippet.

To execute the script on an Ansible client from the Ansible server you could execute:

ssh root@ansibleclient1 'bash -s' < setup-lnxcfg-user

If using a Linux Kickstart configuration file which is probably the preferred way of creating the lnxcfg user while building the Ansible client systems you could always carve out the script from above and put the majority of the Bash code in the Kickstart’s %post section.

Ansible Playbooks:

Now on the actual Ansible Playbooks. Playbooks are the nuts and bolts of Ansible automation. This is where we configure, manipulate, and maintain Ansible clients. For better organization you could put all of your Playbooks in the /home/lnxcfg/playbooks directory.

If you look through the Ansible Playbooks listed below at the top of each one you will see three consecutive dashes. The dashes are only necessary when executing Playbooks in the same stream. For example if you include multiple Playbooks in the same file or pipe multiple playbooks together the three dashes would separate them. Even though I have one Playbook per file for convention reasons I still include the three dashes. In addition, Ansible lint and yaml lint tools look and expect the three dashes to be in place.

The hosts statement in the Ansible Playbook will process all listed inventory within the bracketed title of the Ansible inventory file (/home/lnxcfg/inventory). In the example of the inventory file above a Playbook that uses my_hosts would execute the Playbook against servers ansibleclient1, ansibleclient2, and ansibleclient3.

The Playbook will use the lnxcfg userid to sudo to root and process the Playbook’s tasks.

To execute a playbook issue the command:

ansible-playbook playbooks/performYumUpdateRebootServer.yml

This first playbook named performYumUpdateRebootServer.yml performs a yum update and then reboots each client in the host’s inventory. The state as latest lets Ansible know we want to update all packages to the latest release. Since new kernels require a reboot to take effect the Playbook reboots each client.

# performYumUpdateRebootServer.yml
# performs yum update and reboots server
- name: perform yum update / reboot server
hosts: my_hosts
remote_user: lnxcfg
become: true
become_method: sudo
become_user: root

- name: Perform yum update of all packages
name: '*'
state: latest
- name: Reboot server
command: /sbin/shutdown -r +1
ignore_errors: true

While the above is a way you could patch and reboot a server with Ansible 2.7 is the brand new reboot module which simplifies rebooting as follows:

# performYumUpdateRebootServer.yml
# performs yum update and reboots server
- name: perform yum update / reboot server
hosts: my_hosts
remote_user: lnxcfg
become: true
become_method: sudo
become_user: root

- name: Perform yum update of all packages
name: '*'
state: latest
- name: Reboot machine

According to Red Hat “By default tasks in playbooks block, meaning the connections stay open until the task is done on each node.” Doing a yum update can take a while to complete so using an asynchronous task allows operations to execute without blocking. Below is an example of doing a yum update asynchronously and then rebooting the servers. The following yum update Playbook uses variable substitution and Ansible Facts which will be explained further down within the document.

# performYumUpdateRebootServer.yml
# performs yum update and reboots server
- name: perform yum update / reboot server
hosts: my_hosts
remote_user: lnxcfg
become: true
become_method: sudo
become_user: root

- debug:
msg: "Performing Yum update of server {{ ansible_hostname }} "
- name: Perform yum update of all packages
name: '*'
state: latest
async: 3600
poll: 0
register: yum_sleeper
- name: Check on async task of yum update
jid: "{{ yum_sleeper.ansible_job_id }}"
register: job_result
until: job_result.finished
retries: 5000
- debug:
msg: "Yum update of server {{ ansible_hostname }} has been completed."
- name: Reboot server
msg: Server is being rebooted
ignore_errors: yes
register: result
- debug:
msg: "Server {{ ansible_hostname }} was rebooted {{ result }}"
when: result is defined

Here is how to create a directory using Ansible. The following Playbook is only using the lnxcfg user as the owner and group for example purposes.

# createDirectory.yml
# create a directory and assign permissions to a user
- name: create directory
hosts: my_hosts
remote_user: lnxcfg
become: true
become_method: sudo
become_user: root
- name: add a directory
# set directory attributes.
# using lnxcfg as example user/group
owner: lnxcfg #put in what ever user you need
group: lnxcfg #put in what ever group you need
mode: 0755
recurse: yes
path: /var/ansible_directory
state: directory

Here is a playbook to open the CentOS 7 firewall and install httpd. The following Playbook uses a template to create the index.html file. In addition, the Playbook uses a variable templateSource to set the template location.

# installHttpdOpenFirewall.yml
# opens firewall / installs httpd / uses Ansible Jinja2
# templating to create index.html
- name: install httpd / open http firewall port
hosts: my_hosts
remote_user: lnxcfg
become: true
become_method: sudo
become_user: root
templateSource: '/home/lnxcfg/templates/index.j2'

- name: open http firewall port
service: http
zone: public
immediate: yes # this is the firewall-cmd --reload
permanent: true
state: enabled
- name: install httpd
name: httpd
state: present

- name: httpd template for index.html
src: "{{ templateSource }}"
dest: /var/www/html/index.html
owner: root
group: root
mode: 0644
notify: restart httpd
- name: restart httpd
name: httpd
enabled: yes
state: restarted

The above Playbook uses Ansible Jinja2 templating to render variables within the below index.j2 template. Ansible knows information about the client as it has predefined system variables known as Facts that can be interpreted inside a Jinja2 template. To see a list of predefined Facts about a client execute the following from the Ansible server with the hostname of a specific Ansible client:

ansible <put in a hostname> -m setup

Notice variables are interpolated within the {{ and }} tags in the following Jinja2 index.j2 template:

Ansible Node: {{ ansible_nodename }}
FQDN: {{ ansible_fqdn }}
IP Address: {{ ansible_eth0.ipv4.address }}
Distribution: {{ ansible_distribution }} {{ ansible_distribution_release }} {{ ansible_distribution_version }}
Kernel: {{ ansible_kernel }}
Python Version: {{ ansible_python_version }}
CPUs: {{ ansible_processor_vcpus }}
Memory: {{ ansible_memtotal_mb }} MB
Virtualization: {{ ansible_virtualization_type }}
Ansible User Information:
user: {{ ansible_env.SUDO_USER }}
uid: {{ ansible_env.SUDO_UID }}
gid: {{ ansible_env.SUDO_GID }}
home: {{ ansible_env.HOME }}
pwd: {{ ansible_env.PWD }}

The web output in a browser from the index.j2 which creates the index.html file looks something like:

Ansible Node: ansibleclient1
FQDN: ansibleclient1.<REDACTED>
IP Address: <REDACTED>
Distribution: CentOS Core 7.5.1804
Kernel: 3.10.0-862.3.2.el7.x86_64
Python Version: 2.7.5
CPUs: 4
Memory: 3789 MB
Virtualization: kvm
Ansible User Information:
user: lnxcfg
uid: 2002
gid: 2002
home: /root
pwd: /home/lnxcfg

Ansible’s line-in-file and block-in-file are very powerful and enables the ability to add text, replace text, and work with files.

The below Playbook configLineInFile.yml adds an entry into the /etc/hosts file. Notice Ansible variables are defined in the vars section of the Playbook then interpolated between the {{ and }} tags. Variable concatenation is easy as shown here: hosts_var: “{{ ansible_default_ipv4.address }} {{ ansible_fqdn }} {{ ansible_hostname }} “. Also notice the use of Ansible Facts with ansible_default_ipv4.address, ansible_fqdn, and ansible_hostname. These are just some of the predefined Ansible Facts about a client.

# configLineInFile.yml
# modify a line in a file
- name: Configure line in file
hosts: my_hosts
remote_user: lnxcfg
become: true
become_method: sudo
become_user: root

hosts_var: "{{ ansible_default_ipv4.address }} {{ ansible_fqdn }} {{ ansible_hostname }} "

- name: Configure line in a file
path: /etc/hosts
line: "{{ hosts_var }}"
state: present

Below is an example of using block-in-file which adds a block of text to a file.

# configMultiLineInFile.yml
# modify a multi line in a file
- name: Configure multi line in file
hosts: my_hosts
remote_user: lnxcfg
become: true
become_method: sudo
become_user: root
tasks: - name: configure /etc/ssh/sshd_config
path: /etc/ssh/sshd_config
block: |
Match User lnxcfg
PasswordAuthentication no
AuthenticationMethods publickey
notify: restart sshd
- name: restart sshd
name: sshd
state: restarted

Speaking of Facts and variables you can take a variable and assign it into an Ansible Fact. You can then take the Ansible Fact and use it further down in a Playbook. The following Playbook creates a list of developer languages and assigns that variable into an Ansible Fact. The Ansible Fact is then loaded into a file using the Ansible blockinfile module. Notice the use of Jinja2 templating syntax to load the variable data into the blockinfile.

# create a list of variables and assign that variable to an ansible
# fact.
- name: set developer language fact
hosts: my_hosts
remote_user: lnxcfg
become: true
become_method: sudo
become_user: root
tasks: - name: build list of developer languages and set an ansible fact
developerLanguages: []
developerLanguages: "{{ developerLanguages }} + [ '{{ item.name }}' ]"
- { name: 'bash' }
- { name: 'ruby' }
- { name: 'python' }
- { name: 'java' }
- { name: 'c' }
- { name: 'php' }
- { name: 'rexx' }
- name: take variable from fact and create a file of developer languages.
path: /home/lnxcfg/developerLanguages
create: true
owner: lnxcfg
group: lnxcfg
mode: 0644
block: |
{% for var in developerLanguages %}
{{ var }}
{% endfor %}

Next is how to modify and manipulate the sysctl.conf file. The Playbook below uses a list of sysctl names and values which changes the vm.swappiness and vm.dirty values on the Ansible client. The Playbook uses variable substitution and passes the list of items to be processed to the Ansible sysctl module:

# configSysctl.yml
# modify the /etc/sysctl.conf file
- name: Configure sysctl.conf
hosts: my_hosts
remote_user: lnxcfg
become: true
become_method: sudo
become_user: root

- name: Configure sysctl
name: "{{ item.name }}"
value: "{{ item.value }}"
state: present
reload: yes
sysctl_set: yes
- { name: vm.swappiness, value: 1 }
- { name: vm.dirty_background_ratio, value: 5 }
- { name: vm.dirty_ratio, value: 80 }

The following Playbook creates a partition, LVM logical volume, directory, mounts the directory, and even adds to the /etc/fstab. Again notice Ansible variables are defined in the vars section of the Playbook then interpolated between the {{ and }} tags. Variable concatenation with a string is easy as shown here: “/dev/{{ volumeGroup }}/{{ logicalVolume }}”.

# createPartitionAndLVM.yml
# Creates a partion / Logical Volume / Directory / Mounts directory
- name: Create Partition And LVM
hosts: my_hosts
remote_user: lnxcfg
become: true
become_method: sudo
become_user: root
# Define variables
device: '/dev/sdb'
volumeGroup: 'vg_learn_ansible'
logicalVolume: 'lv_learn_ansible'
directoryPath: '/var/learn_ansible'
size: '100%FREE'
filesystemDevice: "/dev/{{ volumeGroup }}/{{ logicalVolume }}"
fstype: 'xfs'
directoryOwner: 'lnxcfg' #put in what ever users you need
directoryGroup: 'lnxcfg' #put in what ever group you need
directoryMode: '0755'
mountOptions: 'defaults'
- name: Create Partion
# Using gpt partition type. Creating LVM based partition.
device: "{{ device }}"
number: 1
label: gpt
part_type: primary
flags: [ lvm ]
state: present
- name: Create LVM volume group
# Create Physical Volume and Volume Group
pvs: "{{ device }}1"
state: present
vg: "{{ volumeGroup }}"

- name: Create LVM logical volume
# Create Logical Volume
vg: "{{ volumeGroup }}"
lv: "{{ logicalVolume }}"
size: "{{ size }}"
- name: Create Filesystem
# Create filesystem
fstype: "{{ fstype }}"
dev: "{{ filesystemDevice }}"
- name: Create Directory
# Create filesystem directory
path: "{{ directoryPath }}"
state: directory
- name: Mount directory to LVM
# This will also add to /etc/fstab
path: "{{ directoryPath }}"
src: "{{ filesystemDevice }}"
fstype: "{{ fstype }}"
opts: "{{ mountOptions }}"
state: mounted
- name: Change permission on newly created directory
# Change permissions on newly created and mounted
# filesystem
owner: "{{ directoryOwner }}"
group: "{{ directoryGroup }}"
mode: "{{ directoryMode }}"
recurse: yes
path: "{{ directoryPath }}"

Passing variables to a Playbook can also be accomplished through the inventory hosts file. Here is an example four inventory server items with variable names and their assignments in the inventory host file:

ansibleclient1 device=/dev/vdb volumeGroup=vg_ansible_test logicalVolume=lv_ansible_test directoryPath=/var/ansible/test fstype=xfs size=100%FREE directoryOwner=lnxcfg directoryGroup=lnxcfg directoryMode=0755 mountOptions=defaults
ansibleclient2 device=/dev/vdd volumeGroup=vg_ansible_test logicalVolume=lv_ansible_test directoryPath=/var/ansible/test fstype=xfs size=100%FREE directoryOwner=lnxcfg directoryGroup=lnxcfg directoryMode=0755 mountOptions=defaults
ansibleclient3 device=/dev/vdc volumeGroup=vg_ansible_test logicalVolume=lv_ansible_test directoryPath=/var/ansible/test fstype=xfs size=100%FREE directoryOwner=lnxcfg directoryGroup=lnxcfg directoryMode=0755 mountOptions=defaults
ansibleclient4 device=/dev/vdb volumeGroup=vg_ansible_test logicalVolume=lv_ansible_test directoryPath=/var/ansible/test fstype=xfs size=100%FREE directoryOwner=lnxcfg directoryGroup=lnxcfg directoryMode=0755 mountOptions=defaults

A modified createPartitionAndLVM.yml which uses the passed variables from the inventory host file is as follows. Notice the vars section has been pruned down since we are passing variables into the Playbook from the inventory hosts file:

# createPartitionAndLVM.yml
# Creates a partion / Logical Volume / Directory / Mounts directory
- name: Create Partition And LVM
hosts: lvm_hosts
remote_user: lnxcfg
become: true
become_method: sudo
become_user: root
# Define variables
filesystemDevice: "/dev/{{ volumeGroup }}/{{ logicalVolume }}"
- name: Create Partion
# Using gpt partition type. Creating LVM based partition.
device: "{{ device }}"
number: 1
label: gpt
part_type: primary
flags: [ lvm ]
state: present
- name: Create LVM volume group
# Create Physical Volume and Volume Group
pvs: "{{ device }}1"
state: present
vg: "{{ volumeGroup }}"

- name: Create LVM logical volume
# Create Logical Volume
vg: "{{ volumeGroup }}"
lv: "{{ logicalVolume }}"
size: "{{ size }}"
- name: Create Filesystem
# Create filesystem
fstype: "{{ fstype }}"
dev: "{{ filesystemDevice }}"
- name: Create Directory
# Create filesystem directory
path: "{{ directoryPath }}"
state: directory
- name: Mount directory to LVM
# This will also add to /etc/fstab
path: "{{ directoryPath }}"
src: "{{ filesystemDevice }}"
fstype: "{{ fstype }}"
opts: "{{ mountOptions }}"
state: mounted
- name: Change permission on newly created directory
# Change permissions on newly created and mounted
# filesystem
owner: "{{ directoryOwner }}"
group: "{{ directoryGroup }}"
mode: "{{ directoryMode }}"
recurse: yes
path: "{{ directoryPath }}"

You can also use variables to create conditional statements. The following Playbook, testDist.yml, creates a new file /etc/system-release using predefined system variables based on the distribution type and distribution version. If you executed this Playbook against a CentOS 6 server the when statement would skip the task:

# testDist.yml
# create /etc/system-release using conditional statement
- name: test distribution and version
hosts: my_hosts
remote_user: lnxcfg
become: true
become_method: sudo
become_user: root
- name: create file based on distribution
content: "{{ ansible_distribution }} version: {{ ansible_distribution_version }}"
dest: /etc/system-release
when: ansible_distribution == "CentOS" and ansible_distribution_major_version == "7"

The output of the /etc/system-release is:

CentOS version: 7.5.1804

You can also pass variables as arguments when executing Ansible. To do this you can use the -e or — extra-vars argument when executing an ansible playbook. An example could be passing the sudo password for the lnxcfg user as in:

ansible-playbook -e "ansible_sudo_pass=lnxcfgPassword" playbooks/performYumUpdateRebootServer.yml

Next is a Playbook to configure Chronyd. The Playbook uses the NIST time source for Chronyd as defined in the following /etc/chrony.conf file. The NIST time sources are from the following source: NIST Internet Time Servers and are used instead of the CentOS default time server.

Again the Playbook uses Ansible Jinja2 templating:

# configChronydWithTemplate.yml
# configure chronyd with nist time source. Uses Ansible Jinja2
# templating to create /etc/chrony.conf
- name: configure chronyd with a template
hosts: my_hosts
remote_user: lnxcfg
become: true
become_method: sudo
become_user: root

chronySource: ['time-a-g.nist.gov',
templateSource: '/home/lnxcfg/templates/chrony.j2'
- name: install chronyd
name: chrony
state: present
- name: chronyd template
src: "{{ templateSource }}"
dest: /etc/chrony.conf
owner: root
group: root
mode: 0644
notify: restart chronyd
- name: restart chronyd
name: chronyd
enabled: yes
state: restarted

Below is the Ansible Jinja2 chrony.j2 template which creates the /etc/chrony.conf file:

# chrony.conf from ansible{% for var in chronySource %}
server {{ var }}
{% endfor %}
# Record the rate at which the system clock gains/losses time.
driftfile /var/lib/chrony/drift
# Allow the system clock to be stepped in the first three updates
# if its offset is larger than 1 second.
makestep 1.0 3
# Enable kernel synchronization of the real-time clock (RTC).
# Enable hardware timestamping on all interfaces that support it.
#hwtimestamp *
# Increase the minimum number of selectable sources required to adjust
# the system clock.
#minsources 2
# Allow NTP client access from local network.
# Serve time even if not synchronized to a time source.
#local stratum 10
# Specify file containing keys for NTP authentication.
#keyfile /etc/chrony.keys
# Specify directory for log files.
logdir /var/log/chrony
# Select which information is logged.
#log measurements statistics tracking

The results of the above Playbook for /etc/chrony.conf:

chrony.conf from ansibleserver  time-a-g.nist.gov
server time-b-g.nist.gov
server time-c-g.nist.gov

Replacing text in a file is made easy with Ansible. Imagine needing to find and replace text in the /etc/nsswitch.conf on hundreds to thousands of servers. The following Playbook uses the replace module to find and change the order of ‘files sss’ to ‘sss files’ within /etc/nsswitch.conf:

# configNSSwitch.yml
# use replace to modify text in a file
- name: configure nsswitch.conf
hosts: my_hosts
remote_user: lnxcfg
become: true
become_method: sudo
become_user: root
- name: change sss file
path: /etc/nsswitch.conf
regexp: '\s files sss'
replace: 'sss files'
backup: yes

Next is an example of executing a Bash script from a Playbook. The Playbook installs the AIDE file based intrusion detection software and executes a script to initialize and configure it. The Playbook is idempotent and will only execute based on the status of the AIDE database:

# configAIDE.yml
# Install and configure file based intrusion
# detection system.
- name: AIDE file based intrusion detection system
hosts: my_hosts
remote_user: lnxcfg
become: true
become_method: sudo
become_user: root

- name: install aide
name: aide
state: present

# setup idempotent result based on aide file
- name: Check if /var/lib/aide/aide.db.gz exists
path: /var/lib/aide/aide.db.gz
register: stat_result

# execute exernal script to configure aide
- name: configure aide
- copy:
src: /home/lnxcfg/scripts/configAIDE
dest: /tmp/configAIDE
owner: root
group: root
mode: 0755
- command : '/tmp/configAIDE'
- file:
state: absent
path: '/tmp/configAIDE'
when: stat_result.stat.exists == False

Here is the /home/lnxcfg/scripts/configAIDE Bash script which is executed by the above Playbook. The script configures the AIDE software and creates an additional Bash script to execute AIDE daily:

# configAide
# configure file based intrusion detection - AIDE

/sbin/aide --init
echo "aide has been initialized"
/bin/mv /var/lib/aide/aide.db.new.gz /var/lib/aide/aide.db.gz
# create daily script to execute AIDE
cat << 'EOF' > /usr/local/bin/aide-check
echo "executing $0 ......"/bin/nice -n 19 /sbin/aide --update/bin/rm -f /var/lib/aide/aide.db.gz
/bin/mv -f /var/lib/aide/aide.db.new.gz /var/lib/aide/aide.db.gz
chmod 700 /usr/local/bin/aide-check
ln -sf /usr/local/bin/aide-check /etc/cron.daily/aide-check
echo "aide-check cron job has been created"

While the above Ansible Playbook and external script being executed by Ansible works well it is an example of not allowing Ansible to take full control using templates. The above Ansible Playbook and external Bash script could be rewritten by breaking apart the Bash script and moving the code between the cat command and the EOF code block to an Ansible Jinja2 template. Here is a re-written or refactored version of the configAIDE.yml Playbook. Notice there are two new tasks in this refactored version of configAIDE.yml; the create daily script to execute AIDE daily and the create symbolic link to /etc/cron.daily:

# configAIDE.yml
# Install and configure file based intrusion
# detection system. execute external script
# for configuring AIDE
# use the power of Ansible to create
# exernal scripts from template and then
# create a symbolic link.
- name: AIDE file based intrusion detection
hosts: my_hosts
remote_user: lnxcfg
become: true
become_method: sudo
become_user: root

- name: install aide
name: aide
state: present
# setup idempotent result based on aide file
- name: Check if /var/lib/aide/aide.db.gz exists
path: /var/lib/aide/aide.db.gz
register: stat_result

# execute exernal script to configure aide
- name: configure aide
- copy:
src: /home/lnxcfg/scripts/configAIDE
dest: /tmp/configAIDE
owner: root
group: root
mode: 0755
- command : '/tmp/configAIDE'
- file:
state: absent
path: '/tmp/configAIDE'
when: stat_result.stat.exists == False
- name: create daily script to execute AIDE
src: /home/lnxcfg/templates/aide-check.j2
dest: /usr/local/bin/aide-check
owner: root
group: root
mode: 0755

- name: create symbolic link to /etc/cron.daily
src: /usr/local/bin/aide-check
dest: /etc/cron.daily/aide-check
owner: root
group: root
state: link
force: yes

Notice in the above Playbook The daily Bash script was moved to a Jinja2 template stored in the /home/lnxcfg/templates/ directory and is named /home/lnxcfg/templates/aide-check.j2. Also notice instead of the external Bash script configAide which created the symbolic link in /etc/cron.daily has been refactored so that the Ansible Playbook creates the symbolic link instead. Allowing Ansible to do the work for you takes full advantage of automation. The new refactored /home/lnxcfg/scripts/configAIDE Bash script which initializes and configures for AIDE for first use is below:

# configAide
# configure file based intrusion detection - AIDE

/sbin/aide --init
echo "aide has been initialized"
/bin/mv /var/lib/aide/aide.db.new.gz /var/lib/aide/aide.db.gz
echo "aide has been configured"

And now the Bash script which executes AIDE daily to report changes made to files is now an Ansible Jinja2 template. This moves code from a monolithic Bash script and allows Ansible to manage templates of Bash code. Here is the new refactored /home/lnxcfg/templates/aide-check.j2:

#!/bin/bashecho "executing $0 ......"/bin/nice -n 19 /sbin/aide --update/bin/rm -f /var/lib/aide/aide.db.gz
/bin/mv -f /var/lib/aide/aide.db.new.gz /var/lib/aide/aide.db.gz

With the above refactored Playbook and Jinja2 templates we are making better use of the power of Ansible than just using Ansible as a Bash wrapper.

At times it is necessary to execute a Bash script on all s

Now on to cron: The following Playbook is executed every 30 minutes via a cron job from the ansibleserver. The Playbook resets the motd on all client servers in the Ansible inventory. If you removed or modified the /etc/motd file within 30 minutes Ansible would reset the file. The cron entry for user lnxcfg is as follows:

*/30 * * * * /bin/ansible-playbook /home/lnxcfg/playbooks/motd.yml 2>&1 | /usr/bin/logger -t playbook_motd

The motd Playbook uses Ansible Jinja2 templating as below:

# motd.yml
# configure /etc/motd using Ansible Jinja2 templating
- name: configure /etc/motd
hosts: my_hosts
remote_user: lnxcfg
become: true
become_method: sudo
become_user: root
templateSource: '/home/lnxcfg/templates/motd.j2'

- name: set motd
src: "{{ templateSource }}"
dest: /etc/motd
owner: root
group: root
mode: 0644

The motd.j2 which is the template for /etc/motd looks like:

motd from ansible

Ansible Node: {{ ansible_nodename }}
FQDN: {{ ansible_fqdn }}
IP Address: {{ ansible_eth0.ipv4.address }}
Distribution: {{ ansible_distribution }} {{ ansible_distribution_release }} {{ ansible_distribution_version }}
Kernel: {{ ansible_kernel }}
Python Version: {{ ansible_python_version }}
CPUs: {{ ansible_processor_vcpus }}
Memory: {{ ansible_memtotal_mb }} MB
Virtualization: {{ ansible_virtualization_type }}
Ansible User Information:
user: {{ ansible_env.SUDO_USER }}
uid: {{ ansible_env.SUDO_UID }}
gid: {{ ansible_env.SUDO_GID }}
home: {{ ansible_env.HOME }}
pwd: {{ ansible_env.PWD }}

The actual /etc/motd after Ansible Jinja2 template rendering looks like:

motd from ansible

Ansible Node: ansibleclient1
FQDN: ansibleclient1.<REDACTED>
IP Address: <REDACTED>
Distribution: CentOS Core 7.5.1804
Kernel: 3.10.0-862.3.2.el7.x86_64
Python Version: 2.7.5
CPUs: 4
Memory: 3789 MB
Virtualization: kvm
Ansible User Information:
user: lnxcfg
uid: 2002
gid: 2002
home: /root
pwd: /home/lnxcfg

Speaking of using cron Ansible has the ability to create cron data in either a users crontab or in the /etc/cron.d. Following is a Playbook that creates a cron job inside the /etc/cron.d directory:

# createCron.yml
# configure a simple cron inside /etc/cron.d
- name: create cron
hosts: my_hosts
remote_user: lnxcfg
become: true
become_method: sudo
become_user: root
- name: Creates a cron file under /etc/cron.d
# creates ansible_cron_date file in /etc/cron.d
# executes at the 10 minute of every hour
name: lnxcfg cron date
minute: '*/10'
user: lnxcfg
job: "/bin/date >> /home/lnxcfg/ansible_cron_date"
cron_file: ansible_cron_date
state: present

On an Ansible client a file of ansible_cron_date is created inside of the /etc/cron.d directory with the contents of the file being:

#Ansible: lnxcfg cron date
*/10 * * * * lnxcfg /bin/date >> /home/lnxcfg/ansible_cron_date

Here is an example of managing systemd services. Below is a Playbook which creates a simple systemd service named configSystemdService.yml. This Playbook uses templates to create a Bash script and it’s corresponding systemd unit file which executes the Bash script. After a reboot or power on this particular systemd service will write the current date and time to a file. This Playbook and templates can be used as a systemd replacement for the old system V rc.local script:

# configSystemdService.yml
# create a systemd service
# for when CentOS 7 servers are
# rebooted; this is a rc.local
# replacement. Use a conditional
# statement to only execute
# playbook against CentOS 7 servers.
- name: create systemd service
hosts: my_hosts
remote_user: lnxcfg
become: true
become_method: sudo
become_user: root
tasks: - name: configure systemd-script service block
- template:
src: /home/lnxcfg/templates/systemd-script.j2
dest: /usr/local/bin/systemd-script
owner: root
group: root
mode: 0755
- template:
src: /home/lnxcfg/templates/systemd-script.service.j2
dest: /etc/systemd/system/systemd-script.service
owner: root
group: root
mode: 0644
- systemd:
# Enable systemd service and reload the
# systemd daemon. Notice the task does not
# start the systemd-script service. This
# is because with this service we want it
# to execute only after a reboot or
# system power on.
name: systemd-script
enabled: yes
masked: no
daemon_reload: yes
when: ansible_distribution == "CentOS" and ansible_distribution_major_version == "7"

Notice the systemd task does not start the systemd service. This is because with this particular service we want it to execute only after a reboot, system power on, or the network is restarted. The Ansible Jinja2 template to create the Bash script named systemd-script.j2 is as follows. You could do more complex tasks in this Bash script such as starting Oracle databases, emailing your team or yourself that the server has been rebooted, and much more:

echo "Systemd script: $(/bin/date)" > /home/lnxcfg/systemd-script-results

The Ansible Jinja2 template to create the simple systemd unit, systemd-script.service.j2 looks like:

Description = systemd-script service
After = network.target
ExecStart = /usr/local/bin/systemd-script

WantedBy = multi-user.target

After execute the Playbook if you reboot the Ansible Linux clients you would see a file with the date in the file: /home/lnxcfg/systemd-script-results which looks like:

Systemd script: Fri Aug 24 10:59:47 CDT 2018

Moving on, adding and removing a user on hundreds of Ansible clients is made easy with the follow Playbooks:

# createUser.yml
# create a user
- name: create user
hosts: my_hosts
remote_user: lnxcfg
become: true
become_method: sudo
become_user: root
# Define variables
login: 'dbuser01'
gecos: 'Database User01 Account'
shell: '/bin/bash'
supplementalGroups: 'database'
# created password prior with:
# python -c 'import crypt,getpass; print crypt.crypt(getpass.getpass())'
password: '<REDACTED>'
- name: create a user
name: "{{ login }}" #login id
comment: "{{ gecos }}" #gecos field
shell: "{{ shell }}"
password: "{{ password }}"
groups: "{{ supplementalGroups }}"
append: yes
update_password: always
- name: Add sudoers file
owner: root
group: root
mode: 0400
path: "/etc/sudoers.d/{{ login }}"
state: touch
- name: Add suders data
path: "/etc/sudoers.d/{{ login }}"
block: |
User_Alias {{ login|upper }} = %{{ login }}
{{ login|upper }} ALL=(ALL) ALL

And to remove a user:

# removeUser.yml
# remove a user
- name: remove user
hosts: my_hosts
remote_user: lnxcfg
become: true
become_method: sudo
become_user: root
login: 'dbuser01'
- name: remove a user
name: "{{ login }}"
state: absent
remove: yes #remove home directory
- name: Remove sudoers file
path: "/etc/sudoers.d/{{ login }}"
state: absent

In addition to the above user management here is a way to add multiple users while reading those users from a file. The file structure is in YAML format and is stored in the /home/lnxcfg/playbooks/vars directory. Ansible provides an include_vars to achieve this. The below addUsers.yml file is used by the Ansible Playbook that follows:

# addUsers.yml
# Users to add
login: 'oracleuser1'
gecos: 'Oracle User One Account'
shell: '/bin/bash'
supplementalGroups: 'database'
password: '<REDACTED>'
login: 'oracleuser2'
gecos: 'Oracle User Two Account'
shell: '/bin/bash'
supplementalGroups: 'database'
password: '<REDACTED>'

And here is the Ansible Playbook that loops through the users:

# createMultiepleUser.yml
# create multiple users
- name: create user
hosts: my_hosts
remote_user: lnxcfg
become: true
become_method: sudo
become_user: root
- name: include addUsers.yml
file: addUsers.yml
name: users
- name: create a user
name: "{{ item.value.login }}" #login id
comment: "{{ item.value.gecos }}"
shell: "{{ item.value.shell }}"
password: "{{ item.value.password }}"
groups: "{{ item.value.supplementalGroups }}"
append: yes
update_password: always
loop: "{{ lookup('dict', users) }}"

Finally, a Playbook to create a firewalld rich-rule:

# firewalldRichRule.yml
# use firewalld and rich rule
# forward port to another ip address
- name: forward port for port 80
hosts: my_hosts
remote_user: lnxcfg
become: true
become_method: sudo
become_user: root
- name: rich rule
rich_rule: 'rule family="ipv4" forward-port port="80" protocol="tcp" to-port="8080" to-addr="<REDACTED>"'
zone: public
immediate: yes # this is the firewall-cmd --reload
permanent: true
state: enabled

With the above Playbook to remove the firewalld rich-rule edit the Playbook and change the state from enabled to disabled and rerun the ansible-playbook firewalldRichRule.yml. The firewalld rich-rule will be removed from all the Ansible client servers in the inventory list.

Learning and using Ansible can be great fun. There is a lot more to it but hopefully this will get you started.

A next step might be to learn how to use Ansible roles with Ansible. To learn more you can go to: https://medium.com/@brad.simonin/learning-ansible-and-ansible-roles-with-centos-7-linux-817406f7b542

For additional Ansible resources and information please checkout Mariusz Michalowski’s article: Working with Ansible Playbooks — Tips & Tricks with Examples (spacelift.io)

